
Commercial Lease Agreement Form

I recently revised a Florida Commercial Lease Agreement for a large commercial real estate company. The company owns multi-million dollar properties throughout the southern United States and has found a number of problems with its standard Lease Agreement.

Provisions for eminent Domain, Subordination of Mortgages, Bankruptcy, Indemnification, even Radon Gas were included in the lease. I brought the lease to the partner expecting a big pat on the back and possibly a raise. Neither came.

The Final Product
After many more trips to the partner's office and many more revisions we finally ended up with a 15 page Commercial Lease Agreement that fit our client's needs. The process was long and arduous and I learned much of what I now know about writing during the experience. As it turned out, the partner had done me a huge service in requiring me to start from scratch; and he knew it. I later learned that he had experienced a similar start to practicing law from his mentor. I now view the partner as a mentor and someone I greatly respect.

Purchase the Lease Agreement Template
I have provided a number of legal documents on my blog free of charge. Some of these include the Warranty Deed, Quit claim Deed and Claim of Lien. As I have described above the Commercial Lease Agreement is something I spent hours preparing. You can purchase the Commercial Lease Agreement for $14.99. It has obviously been modified to appear as a template so that you can adapt it to your specific use.
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